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Shell & BP bid for stake in Indian gas field

Supermajors interested in picking up 15% interest in offshore field

The Times of India reported that Petrobras is selling its stake in order to find the funds necessary for the development of the Tupi field which lies off Brazil’s coast. Both BP and Shell have expressed interest in buying the stake in the KG-DWN-98/2, which is next to the Reliance gas field.

The Anglo-Dutch giant Shell is believed to be the favourite for the stake as it can offer its floating liquefied natural gas technology to the field. BP woiuld op[t for the more conventional subsea pipes.

The discoveries made at the field are estimated to hold reserves of between five trillion and 15 trillion cubic feet of gas. The other two partners in the joint venture are Cairn of India and Norway’s Statoil.

Gas is expected to be pumped from the field from 2013 and overall output from the project is expected to be 25 million cubic metres a day.

Staff Writer

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