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The 12 major oil & gas companies working in Libya

As Lockerbie bomber storm rages, we look who has o&g deals in Libya

The release of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, the Libyan found guilty of the Lockerbie bombing, has caused a furore in both Europe and the US. Megrahi was granted a release on compassionate grounds by Scottish justice secretary Kenny MacAskill due to the prisoner being in the final stages of terminal cancer.

The move has led to accusations that Megrahi’s release was part of a trade deal between the UK and the North African state. Senior government officials in the UK have issued strong denials and stated that such speculation is “offensive”.   

So which oil and gas companies are working in Libya at the moment?

BP – The British supermajor ended its 30-year hiatus in 2007. The company has a US$900 million deal in place for the onshore Ghadames area and offshore Sirte basin with 17 exploration wells.

Royal Dutch Shell – Anglo-Dutch oil giant has a gas exploration permit for the Sirte Basin that it was awarded in 2007 as well as other permits awarded in 2005.

ExxonMobil – The US hydrocarbons company has a $97 million deal in place with National Oil Company (NOC) of Libya as well as an exploration and production-sharing deal covering a huge area of the Cyrenaica Basin.

Verenex – The Canadian company is currently stuck in an ownership tug-of-war between the NOC and CNPC. Has made a number of significant finds in the country.

Occidental – California-based oil company is producing around 8000 barrels per day of oil this year, compared to 22,000 in 2008. Also has a number of gas and oil exploration permits.

PGNiG -Polish gas company has a $108 million gas permit for the Murzuq Basin where it will drill at least eight wells.

Gazprom – Russian giant has a gas exploration license for areas in the Ghadames Basin.

RWE – German energy company will drill two exploration wells in Syrenica basin blocks having agreed to spend a minimum of $76 million.

Sonatrach – State-owned Algerian energy giant has two blocks in the Ghadames Basin.

Oasis Group – The consortium that includes ConocoPhillips, Amerada Hess and Marathon will pay Libya $1.3 billion to extend its contracts in the Sirte Basin.

Nippon Oil – Japanese largest refiner has an offshore exploration and production-sharing agreement in place with Libya worth $48 million.  The deal also includes Mitsubishi Corp. and Japan Petroleum Exploration (JAPEX).

Petrobas – Brazilian energy company has offshore exploration licenses.

Source: Reuters

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