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Yemen restores oil exports after pipeline repair

Pumping of oil through its main export pipeline resumed on Saturday


Yemen has resumed the pumping of oil through its main export pipeline on Saturday after repair works were completed, following an attack by tribesmen on the pipeline two days ago, Ruters has reported.


Engineering teams had managed to repair the pipeline in one of Yemen’s main petroleum export routes in Sarwah in Marib province, after it was under attack by protesters. Yemen has said oil typically flows through the Marib pipeline at a rate of around 70,000 barrels per day (bpd).

The pipeline carries crude from the Marib fields in central Yemen to the Ras Isa oil terminal on the Red Sea. Before attacks on Yemen’s oil and gas export infrastructure began in 2011, the 435-km pipeline carried around 110,000 barrels per day to Ras Isa. Most of Yemen’s output is from the Marib-Jawf area in the north, with the rest coming from Masila in the southeast. 

Yemen’s oil and gas pipelines have been repeatedly sabotaged by protesters, especially since power vacuum was created in 2011, causing fuel shortages and slashing export earnings for the country. Protests demanding jobs, settling land disputes or freeing relatives from prison are regularly staged against the government. 




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