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Qatar says not a gas alternative to Russia

Europe looks to Middle East for alternative gas supplier to Russia

Qatar says not a gas alternative to Russia
Qatar says not a gas alternative to Russia

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Qatar has no plans to pitch in as an alternative supplier as Europe seeks to reduce its reliance on Russian gas according to the country’s energy minister, AFP has reported. 

“Qatar doesn’t see itself as an alternative to other producers and exporters. We producers complement each other,” said Dr. Mohammed al-Sada, Qatar’s Minister of Energy and Industry.

“We know that energy is not just a commercial product but a very strategic one and we know what responsibility a producer therefore has,” he added.

The European Union is due to hold a fresh round of talks with Russia and Ukraine in Berlin on Friday in a bid to settle an ongoing dispute over gas deliveries. Amid deteriorating relations between Russia and its major gas export countries,Europe has increasingly started to look to the Middle East for alternatives.


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