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Next century will be Africa’s

Murat Merca says that emerging oil fields in Africa will be crucial

Africa will have a key role to play in securing viable, affordable energy for the future. With the global energy demand increasing exponentially, Turkish deputy minister of energy, HE Hasan Murat Merca, believes that developing the East African oil boom will be essential.

“In a time of ever-changing contexts, it is important to confront the fundamental long term challenges of the sector, energy security, climate protection and, of course, energy for all,” he said.

In recent years, sizeable amounts of oil have been discovered in Uganda, Tanzania, Mozambique and Kenya. Speaking at the 5th Gulf Intelligence Energy Forum in Abu Dhabi, Merca said that he believed the world would look to Africa to bridge the gap between increased demand and supply.

“My opinion is that the next century will be the century of Africa. We will see an energy boom in Africa. Therefore, in our energy strategies, we should start including the change in Africa, not just in China or India or Asia. Change in Africa should play an important role in our evaluation of future long term energy sources,” he said.

The proximity of East African oil to the entire Middle East region may well make it an attractive option for Middle Eastern countries looking to fuel their increased domestic demand without depleting their available stock for export, according to the deputy minister.

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