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Libya threatens militants with army intervention

Libyan PM says that time is running out for oil port militants.

Libya threatens militants with army intervention
Libya threatens militants with army intervention

Libya has increased the pressure on militants occupying its eastern oil ports, by stating that the country’s military are standing by to intervene.

Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zeidan told reporters that the Libyan military were gearing up to end the occupation.

Militants are currently occupying 3 key ports on Libya’s Mediterranean coast. The ports at Ras Lanuf, Es Sider and Zuetina are crucial to the export of Libyan oil and their occupation is putting a 600,000 barrel per day strangle hold on the economy.

In recent weeks, Zeidan had appeared to favour diplomacy over military intervention as public support for the militants began to wane. His patience appears to be wearing thin though and military intervention looks more and more likely.

“Weeks ago we ordered the minister of defense to give his instructions to the chief of staff to move toward the occupied ports in the east. Now the matter is in the hands of the army command,” he said.

However, with much of Libya’s fledgling army still being trained, questions remain as to how swiftly they will be able to depose the militants. Diplomacy may yet prove to be the best option for both parties.


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