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Dana Gas hydrocarbon sales hit $152 million for Q1

Dana Gas sees first quarter net profit after tax jump 17% to $66m

Dana Gas hydrocarbon sales hit $152 million for Q1
Dana Gas hydrocarbon sales hit $152 million for Q1

Dana Gas has seen first quarter net profit after tax, jump 17% to $66 million compared to Q1 2012. Revenue from hydrocarbon sales stood at $152 million for the period.

“We have had an active start to the year. Egypt and Kurdistan have increased their quarterly production as we brought on stream discoveries, added compression facilities to enhance current production,” said Rashid Al-Jarwan, executive director and acting CEO of Dana Gas. “These developments, combined with the completion of the sukuk refinancing have meant we can approach the rest of 2013 with renewed confidence and ensure our future growth plans deliver value to our stakeholders.”

Revenues and gross profit declined during Q1 2013, owing to a conservative cash policy towards capital expenditure and a temporary suspension of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (“LPG”) production in Kurdistan Region of Iraq (“KRI”).

Revenues and gross profits are expected to increase as new discoveries in Egypt are brought to production and upon resumption of LPG production in Kurdistan in June 2013 following completion of repairs to the LPG loading bay.

“Our disciplined approach and long-term business strategy has allowed Dana Gas to achieve an encouraging first quarter while completing the refinancing of the sukuk and posting an increase in net profit,” said Abdel Al-Sabeeh, chairman of Dana Gas. “We are committed to expanding regionally and were successful in our bid to be awarded an oil and gas prospecting project in northern offshore Egypt as well as pre-qualifying in Lebanon’s first offshore licensing round.”

The Group’s net production averaged 61,400 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) from its interests in Egypt and the KRI during the three months ended 31 March 2013.

Dana Gas Egypt produced gas, LPG, condensate and crude oil at an average rate of 33,200 boepd in the first quarter of 2013. This is up on Q4 2012 from an average rate of 32,700 boepd aided by West Sama-1 and Allium-1 fields in Egypt commencing commercial production in early March. When both fields achieve full capacity output, they are expected to add 3,450 boepd (20 MMcf/d).

The Egyptian Bahrain Gas Derivatives Company (“EBGDCo”) Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) extraction plant at Ras Shukheir, Egypt, in which Dana Gas interest is 26.4%, processed a combined 8,163 metric tonnes of Propane (7,765) and Butane (398) in Q1 2013. The average gas flow-rate for the quarter was 90 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd) with recovery rates of 98.9 per cent and 99.9 per cent respectively.

Egypt’s West El Manzala Concession has seen a number of operational activities completed during Q1 2013. The South Abu El Naga wells, discovered in May 2011 with a reserve minimum estimate of 50 billion standard cubic feet (Bcf) of gas, have completed further well tie-ins. The El Basant gas fields, first discovered in 2009 with an estimated gas reserve of 123 billion Bcf, has finalized the overhaul of its gas compressor units and the Balsam-1 field, the third discovery in 2012, is now ready to start commercial production, with its gas being routed through El Westani gas plant. Together, these operational activities will result in a significant increase in gas production which will directly increase both Dana Gas Egypt and the Group’s overall net production figures in 2013.

In the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, the Company’s 40% share of production in the Kor Mor Field for Q1 2013 was 27,700 boepd, as compared to 28,500 boepd during the same period last year. However, Production was up 3% on quarter by quarter basis. Production is expected to increase once LPG production is resumed after repairs to the loading bay are complete by the end of Q2 2013.

Daily production reached a peak rate of 88,000 boepd, averaging 80,000 boepd, which includes 340 million cubic feet of gas per day and 15,000 barrels per day of condensate liquids. There are plans for further expansion in investment and production levels, under discussion with the Ministry of Natural Resources.

Dana Gas Egypt was a successful bidder in the Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company 2012 International Bid Round that took place on 18th April 2013. It was awarded 100% working interest in the North El Arish Offshore (Block 6) concession area. Upon completion of the necessary procedures, the concession will be handed over to Dana Gas in Q4 2013, whereby it will start the appraisal process.

The Company has also been pre-qualified as a non-operator in Lebanon’s 1st Offshore Licensing Round where 10 deep water exploration blocks are available.

On 8th May 2013, Dana Gas completed the refinancing of the $1billion Trust Certificates (Sukuk-al-Mudarabah) issued by Dana Gas Sukuk Limited. This followed overwhelming approval to the refinancing plan received from both Sukuk Certificate holders and Shareholders on 23 April 2013. The New Sukuk of $850million $425million of Convertible Sukuk and $425million of Ordinary Sukuk have been listed on the Global Exchange Market of the Irish Stock Exchange.

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