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Big spenders: Supermajors primed for mammoth capex

Supermajors are spending more than ever on capex

Big spenders: Supermajors primed for mammoth capex
Big spenders: Supermajors primed for mammoth capex

As costs increase and oil and gas projects move deeper underground, further offshore and more technically demanding, the supermajors have announced massive capex budgets just to maintain – or slightly improve – their production outlook.

Here’s the top 5 private sector capex spenders, with their spend over (2011). To emphasise the amount of money being committed, we’ve listed a country with a roughly equal GDP in US$ last year.

1. ExxonMobil: $37.2 billion ($34 billion), up 8.9% – Kenya, GDP $36.1 billion

2. Royal Dutch Shell $33 billion ($28 billion), up 17.8% – Bolivia, GDP $34.3 billion

3. Chevron $32.7 billion ($28 billion), 16.7% – Nepal, GDP $31.5 billion

4. Total $24 billion ($20.6 billion), 16.5% – Turkmenistan, GDP $24.1 billion

5. BP $22 billion ($19.1 billion), 15.2% – Botswana, GDP $22.7 billion



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