Posted inExploration

BP Oman completes 70% work in Khazzan gas field

BP Oman plans to start the drilling of the first exploratory well of gas before the end of 2016

BP Oman’s chairman Yousef bin Mohammed al-Ojaili has announced that the completion rate in the works to develop Khazan gas field reservoir and infrastructure project exceeded 70 percent by the end of May.

Ojaili told the official Oman News Agency (ONA), “The first consignment of gas from the Khazzan reservoir project will be delivered to the pipeline network of the Ministry of Oil and Gas in November 2017, according to the plan implemented by the company for start of operation”, explaining that the investment in the first phase of the project reached $13bn.

The development of the Khazzan field, which began in 2014, is located in the concession area in block 61. The Oman Oil Company Exploration and Production owns 40% of the project, and BP Oman owns 60%.

The Khazzan Field is one of the largest non-traditional narrow reservoir (tight gas) gas projects in the Middle East.

Ojaili explained that BP Oman plans to start the drilling of the first exploratory well of gas before the end of 2016, within the framework of the second phase of development of the Khazzan field.

About 125 wells will be drilled in this phase and it is expected to produce gas in this phase in 2020.

Preliminary figures of the National Centre for Statistics and Information had indicated that the domestic production and import of natural gas during the first four months of this year, has increased by 10% compared to the same period last year 2015, amounting to 13bn and 634mn cubic metres respectively.

The Sultanate’s production of natural gas and import last year was 39bn and 806mn cubic metres respectively.

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