Posted inExploration

Jordan opens nine concession blocks for exploration

The country is trying to reduce its reliance on energy imports

Jordan is going to open exploration opportunities across nine concession areas, as the nation attempts to move away from dependence on energy imports, the Jordan Times reported.

The Al Azraq, Jafr, West Safawi, Sirhan, Sirhan Development, Dead Sea, Northern highlands, Petra, and Rum areas will all be part of the foray into exploring for resources. Jordan relies heavily on energy imports, but exploration could provide an alternative energy ecosystem. It could also bring foreign investors into the country.

Jordan has already invested in an oil shale programme which could produce up to 25,000 barrels per day, according to an interview by The National with Jordan’s Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Hala Zawati. The World Energy Council estiamtes that Jordan has the eighth-largest oil shale deposits in the world.

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