Major oil and gas producers form Net Zero Producers’ Forum

Qatar, the US, Saudi Arabia, Canada, and Norway are joining forces to create net zero emission strategies

Net zero concept
Net zero concept

Five of the world’s major oil and gas producers are working together to ‘develop pragmatic net zero emission strategies’.

Qatar, the US, Saudi Arabia, Canada and Norway, collectively responsible for 40% of global oil and gas production, put out a joint statement announcing that they “will come together to form a cooperative forum that will develop pragmatic net zero emission strategies.”

The Net Zero Producers’ Forum will consider strategies and technologies which include “methane abatement, advancing the circular carbon economy approach, development and deployment of clean-energy and carbon capture and storage technologies, diversification from reliance on hydrocarbon revenues, and other measures in line with each country’s national circumstances.”

“To achieve our global climate goals we need cooperation from all major emitters, including oil and gas producing nations, to identify and act on solutions to phase out unabated fossil fuel emissions, while reducing emissions to the maximum extent possible in the interim,” The US Department of Energy wrote on its website.

“Energy producers are faced with unique responsibilities to furnish the world with the energy it needs to operate but the climate crisis requires serious leadership and a strong alliance to deliver a path to net-zero,” said Joseph McMonigle, secretary-general of the International Energy Forum, in which all five countries are members.

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