Iran to contibute more than half of region’s oil and gas pipelines additions until 2022

It will contibute a total length of 12,698 km of pipeline.

Iran is forecast to add the highest trunk pipeline length in the Middle East oil and gas pipelines industry between 2018 and 2022, contributing a total length of 12,698 km, which will account for more than 50% of the region’s planned and announced oil and gas pipeline length additions, according to leading data and analytics company GlobalData.

The company’s report: ‘Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry Outlook in Middle East to 2022’ forecasts that around 24,066 kilometers (km) of planned oil and gas pipeline length will be added in the Middle East by 2022, which will take the region’s total oil and gas pipeline length to around 106,325 km by 2022.

Iran has new build capital expenditure (capex) of around US$22.3bn for the forecast period. Iranian Gas Trunk line–IGAT IX is the longest planned pipeline in the region and is expected to start its operations in 2020, with a planned length of 1,900.0 km and diameter of 56.0 inches.

Soorya Tejomoortula, Oil & Gas Analyst at GlobalData, comments: “Iran is planning to ramp-up its oil and gas production, which in turn is necessitating the new pipeline network. The country is also planning a couple of long natural gas pipelines for exports to Greece and Oman.”

GlobalData identifies Iraq as the second highest in terms of oil and gas pipeline length additions and the highest for spending on planned pipelines in the Middle East oil and gas pipelines industry. The country has planned investment of around US$29.6bn by 2022 and plans to add a total length of 5,105 km of oil and gas pipelines by 2022. Major pipelines in the country are Basra–Aqaba Oil and Basra–Aqaba Gas pipelines, each with lengths of 1,700 km.

Tejomoortula adds: “Iraq is planning two multibillion dollar pipelines to Jordan for export of oil and gas. The country is also planning a pipeline to Turkey for oil exports from the mature Kirkuk field.”

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