Sound Energy awarded Tendrara gas production concession in Morocco

It includes up to 5 new horizontal wells, a gas treatment plant and compression station as well as a 120 kilometre pipeline.

The Moroccan Ministry of Energy awarded Sound Energy, a Morocco-focused upstream gas company, the production concession for the Tendrara gas discovery in Eastern Morocco.

This includes drilling up to 5 new horizontal development wells and redeveloping the existing TE-6 and TE-7 wells, as well as constructing a gas treatment plant and compression station along with a 120 kilometre gas export pipeline linking the station with Gazoduc Maghred Europe pipeline.

Sound Energy noted in a press release that first gas will be achieved in two years, with “an expected mid-case production rate of around 60 million standard cubic feet per day over a minimum period of 10 years.”

An additional 10 to 13 wells will be drilled during that period to maintain production rate. Its first well, TE-6, was drilled in 2016, followed by two other wells in 2017

“I am delighted with the award of the first development concession in Eastern Morocco, which is a critical step in commercialising our gas discovery,” said James Parsons, Sound Energy’s CEO.

Sound Energy took a 55% working interest in Tendrara in June 2015, which is expected to hold between 9 trillion cubic feet and 31 tcf of gas.

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