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Maersk & QP win Offshore gong at O&G Awards

US$6 billion Al Shaheen FDP project wows judges and scoops O&G award

Maersk & QP win Offshore gong at O&G Awards
Maersk & QP win Offshore gong at O&G Awards

Maersk Oil Qatar scooped the prestigious award for the Offshore Project of the Year at last night’s Oil & Gas Middle East Awards.

The outstanding project caught the judges attention following the successful installation of the last of 15 new platforms and other offshore facilities as part of the Al Shaheen Field Development Plan (FDP).

Together with QP, Maersk Oil Qatar is developing Qatar’s largest offshore oil reservoir under a complex development plan at an investment of around $6 billion.

“We are very pleased to have reached this important milestone within the project, safely and on schedule. We are now able to focus on optimising production from the Al Shaheen field, supporting Qatar in its vision to become one of the world’s major energy players,” Maersk Oil Qatar’s Head of Geoscience Esbern Hoch, who collected the award said.

“The size and vast technological scope of the project has made a significant contribution to the growth of Qatar’s knowledge-based economy, offering unparalleled learning opportunities to local talent, as well as some of industry’s best engineers,” he added.

The FDP encompasses the installation of new platforms and associated facilities totaling 131,000 tonnes and the drilling of over 160 oil production and water injection wells.

Maersk Oil and Qatar Petroleum reached the phenomenal production landmark of 1 billion barrels from the Al Shaheen field in Qatar in July this year. When other oil companies shunned the field as uneconomical, Maersk Oil saw opportunities to unlock the tight reservoir. Since taking over and developing the field in 1992 to first oil in 1994, the production curve has increased steadily to the current level of 300,000 bpd whilst reducing gas flaring to a minimum.

Original estimates were that the field would produce no more than 50,000 barrels per day, even in the best conditions. Yet due to Maersk Oil’s expertise in developing marginal reservoirs, today the Al Shaheen reservoirs form one third of Qatar’s total oil production, as the country’s largest oil producer.

The latest USD 6 billion field development of Al Shaheen includes the installation of 15 new platforms, 163 new production and water injection wells and 140,000 tonnes of new facilities. During the comprehensive installation work, Maersk Oil managed a production uptime of over 99% without compromising safety whilst reducing gas flaring to a minimum.

“This is a great accomplishment that emphasises how efficiently this field has been operated and is a fine example of what an international oil company and a national oil company can accomplish when they work together,” said Hoch.

“We are very proud of the fact that together with Qatar Petroleum we turned this challenging field into a commercial success, within such a short time frame.”

The Al Shaheen field has also provided unique employment opportunities in Qatar, as one of the world’s most complex offshore development plans. Maersk Oil in Qatar currently employs 130 Qatari nationals as part of its international team of technical experts and managers. Maersk Oil is also an active partner and contributor to Qatar Science and Technology Park, where it will engage in research on improved and enhanced oil recovery as well as studies related to the environmental impact of offshore operations.

As part of its sustainability drive and commitment to eco-efficiency, Maersk Oil has also succeeded in reducing gas flaring in the Al Shaheen field to a minimum. By exporting gas onshore and by using gas injection in the field, the company has managed to further boost recovery while reducing flaring significantly, despite a significant increase in oil production in recent years.

“Our multi-billion dollar development of Al Shaheen, delivered on time and on budget, showcases our ability to innovate and manage large, complex projects. Moreover, our participation in Qatar Science and Technology Park demonstrates our commitment not only to local oil production, but to development of the Qatari nation as a whole,” he added.

“Being a technology driven company, Proclad appreciates the complexity and the scale of the achievements of Maersk Oil and QP. We congratulate them on this huge achievement,” said Mark Cullens, principle of the Proclad Academy who presented the award.


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