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Statoil launches investigation on In Amenas attack

Lieutenant General brought out out of retirement to head investigation

Statoil launches investigation on In Amenas attack
Statoil launches investigation on In Amenas attack

Statoil ASA has decided to conduct an investigation following the In Amenas terrorist attack.

The investigation aims to provide the company with a basis for making further improvements to its security, risk assessment and emergency preparedness.

The board of directors of Statoil has asked former head of the Norwegian Intelligence Service, the retired Lieutenant General, Torgeir Hagen, to head the investigation.

“Many people from different countries became victims of brutal international terrorism at In Amenas. In Statoil we lost five of our cherished employees. The terrorists, and no one else, are responsible for the attack. They stand guilty of causing all the anguish and suffering. Our responsibility is to learn and do what we can to further strengthen the safety of our employees for the future,” said Statoil board chairman Svein Rennemo.

“We will investigate to determine the chain of events before, during and after the terrorist attack in order to learn and further improve within the areas of security and emergency preparedness. It has been important for us to obtain external expertise on terrorism and security that will contribute to this work. In addition we will utilise the investigation expertise found in the company,” he added.

The investigation will evaluate and clarify risk and security assessments, security arrangements and emergency preparedness, and their implementation directly related to the In Amenas gas plant prior to the terrorist attack.

It will also examine the notification of and the emergency response to the attack, including interaction with government authorities and entities and partners. As well as look at the potential non-conformities with and areas of improvement in Statoil’s existing security and emergency preparedness systems and procedures.

It will also investigate the potential areas of improvement related to organisational capabilities – including competencies, roles and responsibilities, training, culture and capacity within the areas of security and emergency preparedness.

The investigation team will deliver its final report to the board of directors by 15 September 2013. The report will be made public. The investigation will, with some required adaptions, be conducted in accordance with Statoil’s governing documentation for investigation of HSE accidents.

In parallel with the investigation, the board of directors has instructed Statoil’s corporate audit unit to review and assess the company’s overall processes and systems related to security and emergency preparedness. The purpose of the internal audit is to give the board of directors a wider basis from which to consider learning, actions and plans within the areas of security and emergency preparedness following the conclusion of the investigation.

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