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We may help NOCs look for Shale, Total

National Oil companies are interested in exploring for shale gas

We may help NOCs look for Shale, Total
We may help NOCs look for Shale, Total

Shale gas is definitely seen as a huge opportunity by national oil companies, said Arnaud Breuillac, senior vice president Middle East, Exploration & Production, Total. Breuillac was answering a question on whether Total would partner with Middle Eastern NOCs and explore shale gas overseas. 

He said “the answer is yes, if you ask me if national oil companies are looking to explore for shale”. But he said it was too early to give details of any colloborations and that it was all at a confidential dicussion stage. 

Breuillac was speaking at a Total organised meet for Middle Eastern journalists in Paris. 

He also said there was huge potential for shale gas exploration in China, as only about 100 wells were drilled there for shale exploration as against the ever growing number in the United States. 



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