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WesternGeco starts offshore Mozambique survey

WesternGrco conducts seismic survey with ObliQ technique

WesternGeco starts offshore Mozambique survey
WesternGeco starts offshore Mozambique survey

 WesternGeco has begun acquisition of a major multiclient seismic survey offshore Mozambique using the ObliQ sliding-notch broadband acquisition and imaging technique. The technique optimizes the recorded bandwidth of the seismic signal enabling more detailed imaging of the subsurface and more reliable extraction of rock properties.

“This seismic survey is optimally located to help oil and gas companies evaluate play potential offshore Mozambique,” said Carel Hooykaas, president, WesternGeco. “The ObliQ technique is expected to provide valuable high-resolution broadband imaging in this geologically complex area where recent discoveries and regional appraisals indicate significant frontier exploration potential.”

The survey is being acquired in collaboration with the National Petroleum Institute of Mozambique (INP) and is fully supported by industry prefunding. It consists of more than 31,000 km long-offset 2D data and covers the majority of the offshore territory of Mozambique where future licensing rounds are expected.

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