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Texas LNG receives raft of US government approvals

Upcoming LNG facility in Texas gets green light from a host of US administration bodies as it continues journey to full production.

Texas LNG receives raft of US government approvals
Texas LNG receives raft of US government approvals

Texas LNG, a liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility to be constructed at the port of Brownsville in South Texas has received the US Coast Guard Letter of Recommendation, the US Department of Transportation Letter of Opinion, and the US Department of Defence Clearance Letter. 

The US Coast Guard letter confirms the suitability of the Brownsville Ship Channel for Texas LNG’s anticipated marine traffic as it relates to safety and security, while the Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration has determined that Texas LNG’s methodology meets its requirements for design spill review. 

The Department of Defence has determined the firm will have minimal impact on military training and operations.

Full federal energy regulatory commission approvals and final investment decision for the development of the Texas LNG liquefaction project is expected in 2019, with first phase production of 2mn tonnes per annum of LNG expected to begin in 2023. 

The firm has secured long-term offtake term sheets from LNG buyers in China, Southeast Asia and Europe.

Texas LNG’s CEO Vivek Chandra has previously held executive positions in the UAE with Dolphin Energy and Dubai Energy, while he has also worked in the region with giant oilfield services outfit Schlumberger.

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