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Leighton completes Tanzania SPM Project

Single Point Mooring installed and first product offload completed

Leighton completes Tanzania SPM Project
Leighton completes Tanzania SPM Project

Leighton Offshore has successfully completed the Single Point Mooring System (SPM) installed for the Tanzanian Ports Authority (TPA) and the first tanker of imported white product (diesel) has been offloaded.

The project is located South East of the Port of Dar Es Salaam and comprised the Design, Engineering, Procurement, Fabrication, Installation and Pre-Commissioning of a replacement offshore SPM and pipeline system for the import of crude oil and white products with capacity for larger tankers up 150,000 DWT.

Leighton Offshore CEO Mr Boyd Merrett said, “We are proud to have worked with the Tanzanian Ports Authority to complete this project which included a number of technical firsts, including a complete pigging of the system through the SPM and pipelines, and some challenging work in trenching through the intertidal zone”.

Leighton’s scope of work included: Offshore Marine Terminal System design, engineering and fabrication, Procurement of all permanent and temporary materials and equipment including new SPM and dual pipeline systems, Onshore right of way preparation and construction of one 24” and one 28” pipeline from beach crossing to onshore tank farm over 4km away, Transportation, offshore trenching, SPM system installation including PLEM and mooring system as well as construction of the offshore pipelines and Subsea diver tie-ins, hook up works, system pre-commissioning and testing.

“This is an important facility for Tanzania and neighboring countries, and we are very pleased to have been part of this project development and are continuing to focus on East Africa as a market, where there are significant potential offshore oil and gas projects in early stages of development”, said Merrett.


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