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FEI delivers onsite drill-core analyser

Kirk Petrophysics’ QEMSCAN Wellsite will analyze drill cores on site

FEI delivers onsite drill-core analyser
FEI delivers onsite drill-core analyser

FEI has delivered the QEMSCAN WellSite analysis system to Kirk Petrophysics who will use it to provide onsite analysis of drill cores in oil and gas drilling operations.

Core analysis is an essential component of formation evaluation used by geologists and engineers to determine the production potential of a well and to manage drilling and completion operations. The technology will reduce analytical turnaround from several days or weeks to just a few hours after the drill cores are retrieved from the core barrels or sidewall coring tools.

“Our QEMSCAN WellSite systems are now used in the petroleum industry, not only to evaluate drill cuttings in mud logging units, but also for onsite analysis of core samples,” said Paul Scagnetti, vice president and general manager of FEI’s Natural Resources Business Unit.

Core evaluation laboratories are typically located in busy centralized support labs in major cities around the world and it can take days or weeks to transport core samples to get analytical results, according to Scagnetti. “Worse yet, in some remote locations it is logistically impossible to transport samples, or their movements are restricted by government regulations, severely limiting the analysis that can be performed on these core samples. The new QEMSCAN WellSite solution addresses these challenges; it provides essential analytical capability at the drilling site where it can deliver quick results to answer critical questions in E&P operations,” he said.

“The automated mineralogy capability provided by the QEMSCAN WellSite solution increases the speed and accuracy of our core analysis. In addition to microscopic mineralogy information, it can also provide two-dimensional porosity measurements and textural detail for lithological classification, which is valuable characterization information,” said Jean-Valery Garcia, managing director of Kirk Petrophysics. “With the QEMSCAN WellSite system, we can move that advanced analytical capability right to the drill site, significantly reducing the time it takes to get the information to the people who need it most. Near real-time decisions are important for our customers to optimize their drilling and completion designs, especially in high rig-cost environments, such as deepwater operations,” he added.

The QEMSCAN WellSite system combines scanning electron microscopy and X-ray spectrometry to deliver automated mineralogical analysis. It also provides automated microscopic textural details, elemental compositional and two-dimensional core porosity analysis unavailable from conventional techniques. The QEMSCAN WellSite system is specifically designed to withstand the harsh environment of the drilling rig. The compact configuration takes up little space and simplified operation reduces the need for operator training and expertise.

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