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Total hits massive oil find in Gulf of Mexico

North Platte prospect reveals several hundred feet of net oil pay.

Total hits massive oil find in Gulf of Mexico
Total hits massive oil find in Gulf of Mexico

Total has potentially discovered several hundred million barrels of oil in its North Platte prospect on Garden Banks Block 959 in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico.

The discovery well encountered several hundred feet of net oil pay in Lower Tertiary sands which included several high-quality intervals.

Total holds a 40% interest in the North Platte discovery along with Cobalt (60% as operator). The North Platte is located in a water depth of approximately 4,400 feet and was drilled to a total depth of approximately 34,500 feet.

“The North Platte discovery represents another example of Total’s bold exploration strategy targeting large exploration opportunities. It also demonstrates the efficiency of our alliance with Cobalt signed in 2009,” said Marc Blaizot, Total’s senior vice president exploration.

Total is in a strategic alliance with Cobalt International Energy to explore for oil in the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico. The North Platte discovery is the first Lower Tertiary Wilcox formation well drilled by the alliance, and the results of the well confirmed that the northern extension of the Wilcox formation and the presence of liquid hydrocarbons.

In the Gulf of Mexico, Total holds a 33.3% interest in the Chinook field which is also located in the Wilcox formation reservoir, and a 17% interest in the Tahiti field. Total also holds a 25% interest in joint ventures with Chesapeak involved in the Utica and Barnett unconventional onshore resource plays.

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