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Industry corruption – puts lives at risk?

Testing expert calls on sector to put an end to corruption

Rob Jackson, managing director of Exova, has revealed that some firms in the testing industry are approving unsafe materials for use in oil and gas projects.

“One of the biggest challenges we face in the Middle East is getting clients to understand that they need to get it right the first time. As a laboratory chain and as an international group, we with our accreditations guarantee every result to be 100% accurate. Now in many cases the results show the material to fail and the clients don’t like that.” reports Jackson.

“And what often happens is they will go to other service providers, who can be unscrupulous, who will give them a result that says it complies. That is putting lives at risk and that is putting investments at risk.”

“There is corruption within our sector and laboratories will provide results that are incorrect and will help their customers. And ultimately the people who will suffer are the main clients, the oil and gas companies. And as I said lives are at risk here,” concludes Jackson.

Exova operates across several sectors although it originated from the energy industry. It was recently rebranded from Bodycote to its new name, Exova.

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