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Rotary Rules

APS Technology is leading the market with its MWD / LWD

Rotary Rules
Rotary Rules

Dirk Bosman of APS Technology says measurement and logging while drilling is now firmly in the domain of the region’s local oilfield service companies.

APS Technology Inc. is an independent US Manufacturing company specialising in MWD / LWD, drilling optimisation and vibrations management products and services. The company was formed by industry veteran Bill Turner in 1993, who originally worked for Teleco Oilfield Services, the company which launched the very first commercial Measurement While Drilling system in 1978. APS is best known for its SureShot Rotary Pulser. “We believe it is one of the toughest, if not the toughest design suitable for the widest range of drilling conditions but especially when high concentrations of loss circulation material are used,” explains Dirk Bosman, Middle East and North Africa regional manager, APS Technology.

To date APS has sold over 650 units worldwide. The Rotary Pulser is the corner stone of APS’ SureShot Measurement While Drilling (MWD) system and now also the Wave Propagation Resistivity (WPR) Logging While Drilling (LWD) system. The WPR is APS’ latest product offering and is based on industry standard resistivity measuring techniques.

“Being able to buy MWD and now also LWD technology has meant that independent and indigenous local service companies are now able to compete with the majors in the Directional Drilling / MWD / LWD services sector,” says Bosman.

Traditionally MWD / LWD technology has been the domain of the large service companies. There are many reasons for this, perhaps the most significant barrier to entry for smaller companies has been the level of investment and expertise required to develop this technology independently.

“A key part of the sale of our technology we provide is training for our customers’ field engineers and maintenance technicians. We also have a regional repair and maintenance and training support base located in Jebel Ali, Dubai.”

APS has an exciting new technology pipeline, says Bosman. “We hold many patents and our engineers are working on future products which have tremendous potential in the Middle East.” Examples of products will be available commercially very soon are APS’ Rotary Steerable Motor, which combines an advanced technology Rotary Steerable steering unit with a mud motor power section. Using proven “Push-the-Bit” technology and designed for use on typical land rigs, the RSM provides rotary steerable control while continuously rotating the drill string with the optimum power and bit speed for the application.

Additionally APS’s Active Vibration Damper sub is a standalone downhole tool which adapts to changing weight-on-bit (WOB) conditions in real time to minimise drill string vibration. Results have shown that by minimising drill string vibration, Rate Of Penetration (ROP) can be increased up to 50%, and bit life can be improved by 25 – 30%.

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