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Total employees injured in fatal Yemen gun attack

Yemeni soldier killed and two Total employees injured in hit and run

Total employees injured in fatal Yemen gun attack
Total employees injured in fatal Yemen gun attack

Oil staff in Yemen are on high alert after a security contractor retained by Total was shot and a Yemeni soldier killed in a gun attack on a Total staff convoy. A Yemeni Total employee was shot several times and is in critical condition.

Five masked gunmen reportedly pulled up alongside the Total vehicle and opened fire before fleeing.

The attack took place 2km north of Sayun, in the eastern province of Hadramawt yesterday afternoon, as the pair were travelling from the Block 10 oil concession to Sayun airport.

“One of the employees sustained serious injuries and is being treated in Seyoun,” said Total. “The other employee, whose condition is stable, has been evacuated to Sana’a.

Yemen’s oil and gas infrastructure has come under repeated attacke since political unrest ousted former President Saleh.

The Frenchman was shot in the leg. A Total spokesman, speaking to Reuters, confirmed that their Yemeni employee in the vehicle was been shot three times in the chest. Al Qaeda is suspected to have carried out the attack.

“Total E&P Yemen wishes to convey its condolences to the Yemeni guard’s bereaved family, and hopes for the speedy recovery of the injured.”

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