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Halal hits home

Halal petrochemicals brought to market by Malaysia’s Titan Chemicals

Halal hits home
Halal hits home

Titan Chemicals targets packaging, cosmetics and healthcare industries with its certified Halal polyolefin

The notion of Halal products is generally used to refer to food products and in some cases to banking issues which are in compliance with Islamic sharia law. But Malaysia’s Titan Chemicals Corporation has widened the meaning of the word, as it has announced that its polyolefin resins (polypropylene and polyethylene) have been certified by the Halal Development Corporation in Malaysia and Majelis Ulama in Indonesia.

The bulk of the raw material for the manufacturing of polyolefins resin (PE and PP) is derived from crude oil or gas which has little or no bearing on the Halal subject.

“More than 96% of the Polyolefins resin (PE and PP) content is hydrocarbon based in nature. However, there are some functional additives which are required to be added into the polyolefins resin during the manufactu-ring process to further enhance its performance throughout its service life,” reveals Othman Mohamed Salleh, manager of PP production at Titan.

“Traditionally, numerous common additives found in polyolefin resin, for example slip, antistatic, antiacid, use animal derivatives as minor component in its manufacture,” says Mohamed Kahar Saleh senior manager, Titan. “Animal derivatives such as tallow, lard and other animal fats are still commonly employed and used for manufacturing of such additive products due to cheaper cost and certain technical properties,” he explains.

“By comparaison, the alternative source from vegetable derivatives which we use is much more costly, however, this additional cost is being absorbed wholly by Titan Chemicals,” he says.

Malaysia is undergoing a nation-wide drive to become a hub for the Halal industry. “The aim of Halal resin is to manufacture polyolefin with raw material free from animal derivates to fulfill Halal requirements,” says Sallah. “We aim to provide Halal polyolefins for healthcare and cosmetics producers and for the packaging industry,” says Salleh.

The company says that there have been requests from customers seeking confirmation on the absence of animal derivatives in polyolefins product. “We take great concern over the ‘Halalness’ and wholesomeness of the manufacturing of polyolefins resin,” explains Seng Heng, senior manager of the plastics technical centre at Titan Chemicals.

“All these additives which are employed meet the respective regulatory compliance for use in a food contact application,” he adds.

“We are ready to fulfill the needs of the 1.8 billion Muslims worldwide, and we have taken the initiative to ensure all the manufacturing processes, as well as the premises are totally Halal compliant,” concludes Heng.

Fingertip Facts
Titan Chemicals
Location : Malaysia
Founded: 1989
Production: 2.4million t/y of olefins, polyolefin

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