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Halliburton wins Oman oil data contract

Oil services giant to set up Oil & Gas Data Repository in Sultanate

Oman’s government news agency said that the contract will see Halliburton provide and install hardware, software and provide services, as well as, populate and operate OGDR with Seismic Data. Halliburton will also provide maintenance and support services throughout the contract term.

Halliburton are also contracted to provide full training to Ministry staff with a view to
eventually transferring all responsibility for providing the service to the Ministry of Oil and Gas.

“It is important to highlight that Seismic Phase is the first phase towards the OGDR project which aims to preserve all significant data in the course of performing exploration and production activities in the Sultanate in order to enable optimum exploitation of hydrocarbon resources,” a statement said.

“This will enable the data available quickly and efficiently and will enforce industry standards, provide guidelines for operators submitting data to the Ministry,” it added

The value of the contract was not disclosed.

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