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ADIPEC 2010 is 96% sold out with seven months left

Middle East’s largest oil and gas event is almost at capacity

ADIPEC 2010 is 96% sold out with seven months left
ADIPEC 2010 is 96% sold out with seven months left

ADIPEC 2010, the world’s second largest upstream oil and gas event is almost totally sold out, with seven months still to go, according to Hifazat Ahmad, this year’s event director.

“We are now close to 96% sold out,” revealed Ahmad. The overall space in the main halls at Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC), excluding the concourse, is around 31,000 square metres, and so far over 30,000 square metres have been sold.”

OTC in Houston still holds the top spot in terms of footfall, exhibitor numbers and floor space, but ADIPEC, which is targeting its biggest year to date, is fast approaching the number one spot as the global focus for E&P investment shifts to the Middle East.

To have sold so much of capacity this far in advance of an event is unusual says Ahmad, but is a reflection of refocusing global attentions, and the inexorable rise of Asian firms in the upstream arena.

“Firstly, I think this is a reflection of the quality of event, and the overall health of the oil and gas industry. It may not be booming, but it is in a very healthy state right now. People are still looking to grow their businesses.”

This year’s event has attracted record interest from Asia, with more floor space taken than ever before by South Korean and Chinese firms, in addition to the national pavilions. “Overall there has definitely been greater interest from Asia this year. China is now our biggest national pavilion and they are still asking for more space. South Korea and India have been stronger than ever before too.”

None of the major European pavilions have reduced stand size for ADIPEC 2010, but these have not been increased either.

“American and Canadian participation has grown somewhat. There is a trend of more North American companies wanting to do business here,” says Ahmad.

Despite these strong figures it is still too early to accurately predict footfall for this year’s event. However, ADIPEC 2008 attracted just over 39,000 delegates. “My target this year is to reach 45,000,” says Ahmad.

Approximately 1600 companies have booked floor space for ADIPEC 2010.

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