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Saudi contractor nets US$199m Wasit project deal

Saudi Aramco awards fifth project package of 2011 to Mohammad Al Mojil

Saudi contractor nets US$199m Wasit project deal
Saudi contractor nets US$199m Wasit project deal

Mohammad Al Mojil, the civil construction company, said it has been awarded a US$198,975,526 contract by Saudi Aramco for construction work on the Wasit gas field, its fifth award from the oil giant this year.

The contractor will work with Korea’s SK Engineering & Construction on the project. The scope of work includes mechanical and electrical work, civil engineering and the supply of materials over three years, according to an investor statement this morning.

It is the latest contract won by Al Mojil this year for the Wasit gas site, having been awarded a $58.6 million contract by Aramco in March to design, build and install a gas plant.

Last month it announced it would provide buildings and installations at the site in two separate contracts worth a combined $169.5 million.

To meet the Kingdom’s energy demand beyond 2014, the non-associated gas from the offshore Arabiyah and Hasbah fields will be developed for processing in a new stand-alone gas plant at Wasit, located 8 kilometers from Khursaniyah Gas Plant.

Wasit Gas Plant has been designed to process 2.5 billion scfd of Arabiyah and Hasbah non-associated gas from 13 offshore gas platforms in the Arabian Gulf.

Once completed in mid-2014, the plant will produce 1.8 billion scfd of sales gas. This fuel will support electric power generation throughout the Kingdom and rapidly expanding petrochemical and other industries. In addition, the plant will include a new facility to fractionate NGL recovered from Shaybah to be used as feedstock for the petrochemical industry.

The new NGL fractionation module will process 240,000 bpd of ethane plus NGLs to satisfy growing local customer demand for ethane, propane, butane and natural gasoline. Site preparation and temporary communications contracts have been awarded, and work is under way at the site.

According to Saudi Aramco’s 2010 Annual Report, published this week, all major purchase orders have been awarded, and the main automation contractor selected. The project aims to help eliminate burning of crude oil for industry and power generation, thus increasing crude exports. The gas plant will utilize the relatively new Sulfinol gas-treatment technology, which increases the efficiency of the sulfur recovery units from about 95 percent to 99.3 percent.

Additional research by Ben Roberts of Construction Week


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