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Saudi Aramco to pilot new oil spill technology

US based firm MOP to provide oil cleanup & recovery products for pilot

Saudi Aramco to pilot new oil spill technology
Saudi Aramco to pilot new oil spill technology

Saudi Aramco is to pilot new oil spill cleanup and recovery products in Saudi Arabia provided by a US based company.

MOP Environmental Solution based in New Hampshire is providing its MOP Maximum Oil Pickup sorbent products to Saudi Aramco in anticipation of a visit by MOP representatives to the Middle East oil giant’s home turf for a full scale presentation of the MOP product’s capabilities.

To facilitate the presentation MOP company officials received the offer from a middle east commercial powerhouse group to arrange for a visit by MOP Environmental Solutions’ representatives as their guests to make a presentation to Saudi Aramco and the appropriate Saudi Government Agencies and decision makers pursuant to their desired franchise of MOP products in the Middle East and North Africa.

“We are very enthusiastic about our multiple opportunities through the Saudi’s. They are connected to a vast network of global commercial interests and all the nationalised oil producing states throughout the Middle East,” said MOP CEO and president Charles Diamond.

MOP Maximum Oil Pickup is an aggressive oleophilic and hydrophobic (oil attracting and water repelling) sorbent made from recycled and fully biodegradable materials, manufactured using small-scale hydroelectric green energy.

The company claims that the technology is capable of dealing with large oil spills such as that in the Gulf of Mexico.

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