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Schlumberger launches new well placement tech

PathFinder introduces industry first at-bit inclination technology

Schlumberger launches new well placement tech
Schlumberger launches new well placement tech

PathFinder, a Schlumberger company, has announced the introduction of the iPZIG at-bit inclination, gamma ray and imaging service. iPZIG technology helps optimize well placement in target zones through early bed boundary detection.

Developed specifically for unconventional oil and gas markets and high-efficiency drilling applications, the iPZIG service allows for greater directional control and accuracy while drilling versus conventional technologies, with sensors placed directly behind the drill bit. Using data from the iPZIG service, changes in lithology and bottomhole assembly orientation are quickly identified and rapid steering decisions are made to stay in the production zone longer.

“The iPZIG service provides the closest to-the-bit sensor offsets available in the industry. It is the only tool to provide total and imaged natural gamma ray data with dynamic inclination measurements at the bit,” said Derek Normore, president, PathFinder. “Geosteering adjustments in the well trajectory can be made quickly, which reduces directional drilling risks and allows for optimal well placement in critical hole sections.”

The iPZIG service has been successfully field tested in coalbed methane, heavy oil and shale plays in North America and Australia. One North American shale play operator drilled a 5,000-ft, 8 ½-in lateral section in an abrasive formation using the iPZIG at-bit measurements to control well trajectory to stay in the target zone 100% of the time. Geological features identified from the real-time images aided in the geosteering interpretation.

To enhance iPZIG measurement interpretation, the tool can be paired with geosteering capabilities such as the PayZone Steering real-time forward modeling service. The PayZone Steering service uses forward modeling to predict the responses of the iPZIG total natural gamma ray and gamma ray image to the various geological formations along the proposed well path.


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