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Statoil makes major discovery in North Sea

16 billion cubic meters of gas found in Norway’s Asterix prospect

Statoil makes major discovery in North Sea
Statoil makes major discovery in North Sea

Gas has been found by StatoilHydro in the Asterix prospect, which lies in 1,360 metres of water 345 kilometres west of Sandnessjøen in the Norwegian Sea.

Preliminary estimates put the proven recoverable volume, which is located 80 kilometres west of the Luva gas discovery, at about 16 billion cubic metres (100 million barrels of oil equivalent).

“This represents one of the bigger discoveries off Norway in recent years, and we’re very pleased with the result,” says Tove Stuhr Sjøblom, StatoilHydro’s head of Norwegian exploration.

The resources are located in Upper Cretaceous reservoir rocks. No formation test was carried out, but extensive data gathering and coring took place in the reservoir.

“The well has proved a new play, and found gas in rocks with good reservoir properties,” comments Frode Fasteland, exploration manager for the Norwegian Sea. “This opens exciting opportunities for further exploration in the area.”

“Asterix will be considered for development together with Luva and the other nearby discoveries of Haklang and Snefrid South. That could help to lay the basis for a deepwater gas infrastructure in the Norwegian Sea,” said Fasteland.


The well was drilled to a vertical depth of 3,775 metres below sea level.

It terminated in late Cretaceous rocks.

The water depth is 1,360 metres.

The well has now been permanently plugged and abandoned.

Drilling was done by Transocean Leader.

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