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Creating renewable water with infrastructure-free Hydropanels

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Innovation is essential for growth, and companies constantly search for ways to address inherent business challenges. The oil and gas industry is increasingly recognising the need to integrate sustainability into its operations, which includes managing its environmental footprint, promoting resource efficiency, and driving cost savings. The industry is leveraging innovative approaches to enhance operations, reduce costs, and promote sustainability.
However, finding the ideal balance between innovation and cost-effective solutions that drive the company forward isn’t always easy.

As an example, consider drinking water. Achieving a net-positive water impact is an ambitious but important goal for any company, especially those in water-intensive industries such as oil and gas. This not only enhances the company’s sustainability but also contributes positively to the local community and the environment. Drinking water is essential for human health but is often overlooked by companies as a key driver of employee productivity, health, and safety. However, innovations that can provide drinking water on-site to workforces have historically been limited, cumbersome, and expensive.

SOURCE® Global Waterfarm made from arrays of SOURCE Hydropanels

At SOURCE® Global, our infrastructure-free Hydropanels use heat from the sun to pull moisture from the air and create fresh, clean drinking water when and where companies need it. Eliminating the need to buy and ship expensive bottled water to remote worksites, bore for it, or truck it in, Hydropanels provide a practical, sustainable, and economical solution.

We recognise the importance of cost control in the oil and gas industry. It’s no secret that oil prices can swing wildly, and global instability often ensues when they do. Given this volatility, it’s imperative that oil and gas companies control costs and mitigate surprises whenever possible. Where drinking water is concerned, our technology helps you do just that.

How it works

The entire process outlined below takes place off-grid, absent electricity and the need for any existing infrastructure or hard pipes

  • Fans draw in air and push it through a patented, hygroscopic material that traps the water vapor.
  • Through temperature variation inside the Hydropanel, the water vapor condenses into water.
  • The water flows into a protected reservoir where it’s mineralised for taste and circulated and monitored for quality.
  • High-quality potable water is dispensed on demand.
    Many people often perceive sustainability and profitability as mutually exclusive objectives. However, this is a misconception. In fact, both can and should coexist for a company to achieve long-term success. With sustainability being more important than ever, SOURCE® Hydropanels deliver. A full-fledged small system can produce a million liters of drinking water a year, offset around 30 million plastic bottles, and eliminate the wastage of 45 million liters of water throughout the Hydropanel’s 15 years lifespan.

Making an impact in the Middle East

Earlier this year, SOURCE announced a partnership with Oman-based Renaissance Village, Oman’s leading accommodation, services solutions, and integrated facility management company. The project, Oman’s first water farm, will create a sustainable, reliable supply of high-quality drinking water to serve the workforce staying in the 18,800+ bed facility.
Additionally, because the water will be served in reusable glass bottles and made locally in Oman, Renaissance Village is demonstrating the importance of corporate sustainability through action. Renaissance Village is but one example of SOURCE’s impact throughout the region. To date, SOURCE has 30 commercial installations throughout the Middle East.

UAE’s National News reported recently that 11 of the 17 most water-stressed nations in the world are in the Middle East. Clearly, it’s time to think differently about how we meet the drinking water needs of the workers we depend on.

Our Hydropanels represent the innovation in domestic water production your company needs to help meet its drinking water challenges. With SOURCE, you’re in control. Each commercial installation is designed and installed with the unique needs of each commercial client in mind.

SOURCE Hydropanels system: Quick facts

Footprint: A one-acre of Hydropanel system will make three thousand to five thousand liters of drinking water per day.

Power: Our Hydropanels leverage solar energy that powers a small internal battery that facilitates water production and delivery.

Water Quality: The drinking water SOURCE Hydropanels create is mineralized for taste and meets U.S. EPA and FDA guidelines as well as drinking water requirements internationally.

Production Assurance: Our Hydropanels are digital and dynamic. This allows SOURCE to monitor water production in real time.