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Singapore receives QatarEnergy’s landmark cargo

Singapore’s Pavilion Energy has received its inaugural liquefied natural gas (LNG) shipment from Qatar accompanied by a Statement of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (SGE) at the Singapore LNG terminal.

The cargo was supplied by QatarEnergy, and SGE serves as an authenticated record of the greenhouse gas emissions generated throughout the entire process of extracting and transporting the LNG from the source to the receiving facility.

Pavilion Energy, in collaboration with QatarEnergy and the US-based energy company Chevron, developed the SGE methodology, which aims to establish a standardized approach to measuring, reporting, and verifying emissions across the LNG value chain. This collective effort strives to foster transparency and encourage more proactive measures for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Pavilion Energy envisions widespread adoption of the SGE methodology, as it sets the stage for the implementation of strategies geared towards achieving a more sustainable, low-carbon future.

Having been applied to six LNG shipments since its introduction in 2021, the SGE methodology signifies Pavilion’s commitment to assuming responsibility for the carbon emissions associated with delivered LNG cargoes. This milestone is met with enthusiasm as the company acknowledges the ongoing significance of natural gas in facilitating the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Alan Heng, Chief Executive of Pavilion Energy, said, “We believe that natural gas will continue to play a pivotal role in supporting economies as they strive towards a low-carbon future. Through the SGE methodology, we aim to be accountable for the carbon emissions of our delivered LNG cargoes and are thrilled to receive our first shipment certified under this methodology in Singapore.”