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Saudi jobs: Aramco ‘significantly’ increasing hiring, job opportunities, says HR boss

In an exclusive interview with Oil & Gas Middle East, Aramco’s SVP of human resources Faisal A. Al-Hajji, discusses job opportunities for engineers, attracting Saudi talent, and more.

Oil & Gas Middle East: As the company ramps up projects, will you have more job opportunities for engineers?

Faisal A. Al-Hajji, SVP of human resources, Aramco

Al-Hajji: As the company is guided by engineers, it will always offer job opportunities in engineering-related fields. We have many operational projects, from oil processing facilities to petrochemical plants, including new and expanded refineries and gas plants.

We are currently undergoing several capital projects, and this growth will significantly increase job opportunities in many job families — including engineering. We also see potential demand for business and finance professions in new organisations such as Aramco Digital. This also means that professionals need to acquire knowledge in emerging technologies, as stepping into new business areas requires talent with specific qualifications.

Can you discuss the top qualities you look for in candidates who apply at Aramco?

Al-Hajji: Aramco is one of the world’s largest integrated energy companies, so the qualities we look for vary depending on job specification. Generally speaking, we look for candidates who are well-rounded and knowledgeable about various areas. We value good academic performance, and it is equally important to have a positive attitude in the workplace. In addition, we seek agile professionals who are eager to learn and easily adapt to latest technologies.

What are the interview tips you would like to give to prospective Aramco employees?

Al-Hajji: They should demonstrate their understanding of Aramco’s operations and scale as well as the role they will be taking at the company. During the interview, they need to keenly listen to the interviewer and provide articulate answers to their questions.
They should also demonstrate curiosity about the role they will take at the company, and how they could contribute to Aramco’s success.
Finally, I encourage every candidate to be authentic and express themselves, as it shows the value they would bring to the company.

How is Aramco working to attract young Saudi talent?

We offer a wealth of opportunities for young Saudi talent that significantly contribute to their professional development. This includes tailored programs and challenging assignments that boost their growth and enable them to add value wherever they are. Some of these development opportunities are unique in the industry, such as our college sponsorship program. It provides the opportunity for Saudi high school graduates to pursue bachelor’s degrees in Saudi Arabia and worldwide.

Currently, the majority of these students are studying at the top 30 universities in the world. We do not only train employees at entry-level, but also provide development opportunities for every career stage. The size and scope of Aramco’s business enable many opportunities for youth to take part in high profile projects.

The experiences they go through while working on these projects are essential for their growth, as they see their impact contributing to the success of the company. Our young talent realise the purpose of their job and the influence they bring to the workplace, which make them engaged in everyday work.

What training and development opportunities do you offer for employees?

Al-Hajji: The company offers a wide range of training and development opportunities, and perhaps few companies in the world are as dedicated to their employees’ development as Aramco. From industrial apprenticeships, professional development to world-class leadership programs, we provide lifelong learning to our people. For example, last year we dedicated more than 12.6 million hours to training on business-related topics.

We have an in-house leadership centre that delivers customised and internationally-recognised programs to develop professional competencies for every job level. We have partnerships with world-class institutions and business schools such as Harvard, Stanford, and the London Business School to create tailored executive programs. Recently, we added new customised programs like stackable degrees and mini-MBAs. Aramco hosts some of the best universities worldwide to provide exceptional programs at our campus in Saudi Arabia.

We also have several programs that support women at junior and senior levels to be successful in the corporate workplace, and fast-track their career development. We anticipate that greater diversity and inclusion in the workplace will drive Aramco forward with new solutions to complex business challenges. In addition, the company is empowering people with disabilities through employee resource groups, custom training programs and inclusive facility upgrades, as we envision a future where all types of talent contribute to company’s success.

We focus on long-term planning to adapt better to changes, and constantly evaluate the future of jobs to hire the right talent that meet Aramco’s business needs. This means that we are constantly looking at what the future of jobs might be and how we can provide our company with the right talent to deliver value to the business when it counts. We have set a bold hiring goal for the future and are optimizing our processes and digitalizing our platforms to boost capacity in this area. Our training and development programs include greater digitalization and technology with an emphasis on AR and VR to scale our output.