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Petronas awards EPCC contracts to JGC and Samsung Heavy Industries


Japan’s JGC and South Korea’s Samsung Heavy Industries will build Petronas’ third floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) project after winning the engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning (EPCC) contract.

Industry shipping publication TradeWinds reported the pair beat a rival consortium of Saipem and Wilson Offshore & Marine after a decision was made this week. There has been no public announcement as yet. Sources priced the nearshore ZFLNG project at around $3 billion, according to TradeWinds.

The project, with a minimum capacity of 2 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) is a first of its kind in Malaysia, Petronas said last December, when it announced the dual FEED design competition between the rival consortiums for its nearshore FLNG project in Sabah in Malaysia.

The FLNG project, which Petronas refers to as a “nearshore liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant” is planned to be ready for start-up by end of 2026.

Upon completion, the nearshore LNG plant, dubbed ZFLNG, will increase Petronas’ LNG production from floating LNG facilities from 2.7 mtpa to 4.7 mtpa.