Posted inExploration & Production

Petronas makes ‘significant’ oil and gas discovery offshore Malaysia

Petronas’ wholly-owned subsidiary Petronas Carigali has announced an oil and gas discovery in Block SK306 offshore Malaysia, which is located in the shallow waters of the Balingian Province off the coast of Sarawak.

Drilled to a total depth of 2,468m, the Nahara-1 well encountered hydrocarbons in the Late Oligocene to Middle Miocene aged sedimentary sequences.

Petronas exploration vice-president Mohd Redhani Abdul Rahman said: “We are excited with this discovery and its impact to the future exploration effort in the surrounding areas. Nahara-1 is a significant oil discovery by PCSB within the last decade. It is a testament to the vast potential in Malaysia’s prolific basins, which remain highly prospective.”

Rahman said the latest finding supports PCSB’s exploration strategy, which calls for renewing focus on Malaysia’s basins exploration.

Earlier this week, Petronas signed a landmark agreement with ADNOC for Abu Dhabi’s first-ever onshore unconventional oil block covering a 2000-square kilometre concession area in the Al Dhafra region.