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Circle Oil in Egypt production test success

Successful drilling and production test conducted in Egypt

Circle Oil in Egypt production test success
Circle Oil in Egypt production test success

Circle Oil has announced the Al-Amir SE-5 appraisal well has been successfully drilled and production tested in the Al Amir Development Lease in the onshore North West Gemsa Concession in Egypt.

Under test the Kareem formation sandstones flowed 42o API oil at sustained average rates of 6,150 bopd and 6.9 MMscfd of gas using a 48/64” choke from the upper of the two identified pay zones.

“The knowledge gained from drilling at this location gives the partners a better understanding of the extent of the reservoir in this area which may now be slightly larger than originally mapped,” said David Hough, CEO of Circle.

“Ongoing drilling will focus on appraisal and development to enable us to better understand the reservoir geology of the field and plan for pressure support in the future when required,” he added.

The well, which is the fourth of its kind in the Al Amir SE discovery area, has been completed and production tested and will now be prepared for production.

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