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Quotes of the week

What the oil and gas industry has been talking about this week

Quotes of the week
Quotes of the week

“The tanker market is exiting a ten year bull period which will be quite painful for owners, but let’s not forget the crude tanker market had an exceptional 2008.”

Erik Helberg, head of shipping research at Pareto Securities ASA, urges some optimism at the Marine Money Gulf Ship Finance Forum in Dubai.

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 “There were initial reports of lifejacket lights being seen in the water, and three flares being seen from south and east of the platform, and the helicopter fuselage was also seen on the surface.”

A statement from the Aberdeen coastguard on the ditched chopper off Aberdeen, in which thankfully nobody was killed.

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 “This matter is completely unacceptable.”

Dr Abdul Jaleel Al Khalifa, chief executive of Dragon Oil announces his displeasure after a major accountancy firm was employed to assist in an internal investigation into financial irregularities.

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 “Given the slowdown in oil production and the completion of major oil expansion projects, it is not surprising to see an easing of drilling activity. “

PFC Energy analyst Raja Kiwan comments on the news that Saudi Aramco is to cut oil rigs by up to 20%.

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“With Obama’s presidency the question of energy independence has shot up the political agenda.”

BP’s group chief executive Tony Hayward delivers an upbeat message to the energy sector at the 28th CERA Executive Conference.

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“We do not expect a recovery any time soon. In addition, once the price does rally, we do not see a return to a $100-plus per barrel world.”

Richard Savage
, head of energy research at Swiss banking firm Mirabaud & Cie, brings the sector back down to earth with a bang.

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“I have been to hundreds of valve factories around the world, and I can honestly say that some of the manufactures in China are as good, if not better, than their Western contemporaries.”

Pipeworks managing director Gary Brodie stands up for the quality of China’s factories.

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Compiled by Peter Ward

Staff Writer

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