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DHL Express installs 434 solar panels at its regional facility in Jordan

DHL’s solar power project in Jordan is the first in a series of solar PV installations that will be rolled out across its regional facilities in the near future

Leading logistics provider DHL Express has installed a solar plant at its Amman facility in Jordan to reduce its energy use by 100%, in line with its sustainability target to become a net-zero logistics firm by 2050.

According to a statement from DHL, the solar power project is the first in a series of solar photovoltaic (PV) installations to be rolled out across its regional facilities in the near future.

The company has installed 434 solar panels at its Jordan facility, in partnership with Yellow Door Energy, the leading sustainable energy partner for businesses in the region.

The solar plant is expected to produce 294 kWh of clean energy in the first year of operation, which would cover 100% of the facility’s energy consumption needs while halving the facility’s electricity costs.

The PV installation is under a Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT) solar agreement that is managed by Yellow Door Energy. As the solar developer, Yellow Door Energy is responsible for financing, designing, building, operating and maintaining the solar plant until the system is transferred to DHL at the end of the BOOT term.

DHL’s long term strategy

Bachi Spiga, Head of Operations at DHL Express Mena noted that they are continuing to honour their commitment towards achieving a zero-emissions future.

“Our investments in solar systems forms part of a long-term strategy to reduce our energy consumption across our operations by tapping into renewable solutions and alternative energy supplies. As a trailblazer in driving sustainable logistics, DHL is executing an eco-friendly strategy to reduce its climate impact through sustainable investments across all markets we operate in, as we strive to meet our 2050 goals.”

The solar energy system has net metering, which ensures that any excess energy produced will be stored by the system’s electric grid and credited back to DHL, the company added.

Rory McCarthy, chief commercial officer of Yellow Door Energy, said: “Yellow Door Energy is supporting DHL in its sustainable logistics journey and its ambitious goal of net zero emissions by 2050.


“As the leading sustainable energy partner for businesses in Jordan, Yellow Door Energy continues to help companies significantly lower energy costs and become sustainability champions. We look forward to providing clean energy for DHL for many years to come.”