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Exova corrosion expert takes up NACE presidency

Dr Chris Fowler appointed to key corrosion engineering post in Houston

 Dr Chris Fowler, Global Director – Corrosion at Exova, the worldwide testing and advisory company has taken up the post of President of NACE International, the prestigious Houston based association for the world-wide corrosion industry.

A member of NACE since 1989, Dr Fowler has served in most capacities of the European Region of NACE and served as International Director representing the European Region on the NACE Board of Directors from 2003 to 2007. He has participated in several symposia and was a member or chair of several technical committees.

He has given numerous presentations and published many articles. A graduate of the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, Dr Fowler is a chartered engineer and is a Fellow of the Institute of Materials.

Grant Rumbles, Exova’s Chief Executive said: “We are very proud to have one of our team elected to this prestigious post, which clearly demonstrates Exova’s expertise in the field of corrosion science and engineering. We wish Chris the very best in his position of President of NACE International”

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