Posted inOil & Gas Future ForumEvents

Join us at the virtual Oil & Gas Future Forum today!

Experts will gather at 2PM GST to discuss some of the most vital topics impacting the future of the oil and gas sector


As the oil and gas industry continues to transform, we are bringing together experts from across the industry to discuss the future for upstream at the second edition of the Oil & Gas Future Forum.

The forum is virtual and free to attend, and will comprise three panels starting at 2PM GST–join us to hear from industry experts and to ask them your questions directly!

In our first discussion of the day, we will explore the potential for hydrogen, the realities behind exploiting this growing resource, and its role in the energy transition. We will also look at the mix of green and blue hydrogen that can best serve energy companies of the future.

Our second panel will tackle how HSE will transform following the pandemic, strategies that companies had to employ during COVID-19 to ensure the health and safety of their workers, and how HSE can be employed strategically, with innovation in mind.

Closing out the day, we will talk about the people who will shepherd the future of the oil and gas sector–young engineers. What do the engineers of the future need to know in order to succeed? How do we train and upskill engineers to allow them to adapt to a shifting energy landscape?

To learn about the post-COVID oil and gas sector, with all of its potential and all of the corresponding challenges, join us today at 2PM GST for what promises to be a day of insightful and fascinating discussion with industry experts.