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Maersk Oil reaches Al Shaheen landmark

Last of 15 platform and offshore facilities installed at Al Shaheen

Maersk Oil reaches Al Shaheen landmark
Maersk Oil reaches Al Shaheen landmark

Maersk Oil Qatar has announced the successful installation of the last of 15 new platforms and other offshore facilities as part of the Al Shaheen Field Development Plan (FDP).

The firm, along with Qatar Petroleum, is developing Qatar’s largest offshore oil reservoir under a complex development plan at an investment of around $6 billion.

“We are very pleased to have reached this important milestone within the project, safely and on schedule. We are now able to focus on optimising production from the Al Shaheen field, supporting Qatar in its vision to become one of the world’s major energy players,” Maersk Oil Qatar acting managing director Sheikh Faisal Al Thani said.

“The size and vast technological scope of the project has made a significant contribution to the growth of Qatar’s knowledge-based economy, offering unparalleled learning opportunities to local talent, as well as some of industry’s best engineers,” he added.

The FDP encompasses the installation of new platforms and associated facilities totaling 131,000 tonnes and the drilling of over 160 oil production and water injection wells.

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