GALLERY: Glasspoint’s solar EOR project in Oman

Glasspoint successfully delivered a new solar EOR project in Oman

GALLERY: Glasspoint's solar EOR project in Oman
GALLERY: Glasspoint's solar EOR project in Oman
GALLERY: Glasspoint's solar EOR project in Oman
GALLERY: Glasspoint's solar EOR project in Oman

The pilot project was completed in less than one year, breaking ground in January 2012 and producing steam by December of the same year.

This 7MWth system is now in daily operation generating an average of 50 tons of emissions-free steam per day that feeds directly into existing thermal EOR operations at PDO’s Amal West oilfield.

The solar EOR facility passed its first performance acceptance test in early 2013, exceeding contracted steam output by over 10 percent.

The solar EOR facility passed its first performance acceptance test in early 2013, exceeding contracted steam output by over 10%.

More than 40% of the project materials were fabricated and constructed by Omani companies.

This project serves as a performance and operational baseline for larger steam generators in Oman and is providing PDO with valuable information for planning potential larger-scale projects in the future.

The steam is injected into PDO’s Amal oilfield in the south of the country and allows PDO to extract more oil via EOR without having to burn natural gas to create the steam.

Currently EOR accounts for almost a quarter of Oman’s natural gas consumption.

GlassPoint’s CEO, Rod MacGregor, said he wanted his company to become ‘the IKEA of solar’.

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