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Chapman Freeborn evacuation flights from Egypt

Chapman Freeborn helping companies pull employees out of Egypt

Chapman Freeborn Airchartering, a major international aircraft chartering company has completed further evacuation flights for foreign nationals leaving Egypt as the country remains in a state of civil unrest.

As the demonstrations continued into a second week hundreds of passengers have been flown from Cairo to airports including London Gatwick, Istanbul, Dubai, and Barcelona on chartered B757, B737 and ATR 72 aircraft, as well as executive jets called in from the Middle East.

It is anticipated that demand for the company’s evacuation flight expertise could increase further in the coming days as a growing number of corporations look to pull their employees out of the country as a precautionary measure.

Chapman Freeborn’s group passenger director Darren Banham said: “Since late last week we have been experiencing a surge in demand from clients looking to move their people out of the affected region. While the situation on the streets appears to remain chaotic we are still managing to successfully dispatch charter flights from Cairo International Airport.”

London-Gatwick based Chapman Freeborn has 32 offices in 22 countries worldwide and arranges more than 6,000 aircraft charters a year. It provides charter solutions in unplanned circumstances, such as emergency evacuation and repatriation flights.

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