Posted inProducts & Services

Saudi Aramco secures further rig discounts

Four jack-ups dayrate to be lowered for a whole year starting from 1st of April

Saudi Aramco has secured further rig discounts, with one of its contractors Rowan seeing a number of units switching onto lower rates, Upstream Online has reported.

The dayrate for four Saudi Aramco jack-up rigs have been lowered for a whole year at the start of the month and will return to the previous rate April next year.

These are: the Hank Boswell (dropping from $180,000 to $163,000); the Bob Keller (dropping from $178,000 to $120,000); the Scooter Yeargain (going from $180,000 to $163,000); and the Bob Palmer (sinking from $235,000 to $198,000).

The jack-up Gilbert Row, which Aramco has on charter until the end of the year, is to drop from $122,000 to $106,000 for the remainder of the term.

Aramco has also extended its contract with Charles Rowan to June instead of April 2015.

The jack-ups Cecil Provine and Rowan Gorilla III have also had very minor extensions, but not from Aramco.

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