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ENOC Group achieves $23.66mn in cumulative savings through innovation programme

Savings from employee ideas implemented for ENOC in 2020 more than doubled since 2019

ENOC Group achieves $23.66mn in cumulative savings through innovation programme
ENOC Group achieves $23.66mn in cumulative savings through innovation programme

ENOC Group announced $23.66mn in cumulative savings from the implementation of innovative ideas submitted by its employees on the group’s innovation programme, achieving new benchmarks in quality and excellence for the group.

Since its inception in 2012, the group’s innovation programme has received 3,824 suggestions and implemented 332 ideas, which contributed to the froup’s significant financial savings.

In 2020 alone, ENOC employees submitted 661 suggestions to the scheme. The group implemented 88 of these ideas; which is a 52% increase compared to 2019. The implementation of employees’ suggestions generated a 10% increase in savings compared to 2019.

Saif Humaid Al Falasi, group CEO, ENOC, said: “The UAE has always taken pride in its ability to cultivate innovation and creativity and foster knowledge exchange, all of which are factors that played an immense role in driving the country’s development. As such, the UAE ranks 35 in the 2020 Global Innovation Index, and continues to excel in tertiary education, Information and communication technologies, general infrastructure, and innovative products and services.

“Our employees have been inspired by our nation’s zeal as they continue to contribute to ENOC’s success to enhance business and operational excellence despite the challenges we faced last year. This is the culture and work ethic that our employees embody; their persistence to continue, is what drives us forward. As we dawn upon a new era driven by advances in data analytics, artificial intelligence, and alternative energy, we hope to utilise innovation and the application of disruptive technology to generate greater value for ENOC and the communities where we operate.”

Some of the implemented ideas this year contributed to energy and power savings, a reduction in operational and maintenance costs and enhancing efficiencies across the group’s operations. The innovation programme is established on a hybrid structure involving subject matter experts and enablers from the businesses and support departments who ensure that a fair and objective assessment and evaluation is conducted of the submitted ideas

To further enhance and drive the culture of innovation, ENOC has embarked on a journey focusing on ways to drive and instill a culture of innovation across the group, by making innovation a business priority and building drivers that can contribute to achieving exceptional results.

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