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Adnoc’s flare for efficiency

Adnoc is well placed to deal with the challenges of cleaner energy

Adnoc's flare for efficiency
Adnoc's flare for efficiency

Adnoc has made large strides in recent years regarding the capture of co2 gas emitted from their oil fields, according to Mohamed Al Shamma, vice president of public relations, Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company (Adma-Opco).

“With regard to the flaring of excess gas at our oil fields, if you flew over our oil fields 10-15 years ago you would have seen many flares, now there is almost no flaring. This is a major achievement,” he said.

In addition to the reduction in flaring, the capture of co2 is also important in order to control pollution and increase efficiency and profitability.

“Now we inject the co2 into the wells, so we utilise this co2 instead of wasting it. It’s the same with the gas flaring. Before we used to flare the gas, now we re-inject the excess gas that we get, to increase the flow of oil. Before we used to inject water, now we inject gas and soon we will be injecting co2. All these things show that Adnoc has looked ahead in this field,” Al Shamma said.

Al Shamma, discussed the ways that the UAE’s National Oil Company is making fast progress in the race for cleaner energy

“Honestly speaking, Adnoc has been doing this job for many years in terms of how to save energy, maintain the environment and provide clean energy. We have had many contributions from people inside the organisation as well as our partners from the environmental authorities and different firms who specialise in this area,” he said.

As a result of these strategies, Adnoc are now starting to see their labours bear fruit. Al-Shamma also stated that renewable energy sources were playing their part in the production of oil & gas.

“In the fields, we have some oil head towers which now use solar energy instead of normal energy,” he said. Al Shamma also believes that there is a growing culture of energy efficiency among oil & gas workers at sites in the United Arab Emirates and the GCC countries.

“We now have awareness among the workforce on how to save energy, remembering to switch off the lights, not using too much water, and so on. We are using technology so that if people do not adhere to this ethos, the technology will do it automatically.

That is why we use the automated building management system. All the lighting goes off at a certain time and we save energy. Before you would see the building’s lights on day and night, now the system switches them off automatically for us,” he said.

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