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Hydrocarbons found in Egypt’s Western Desert

Kuwait Energy evaluates hydrocarbon find in Western Desert

Hydrocarbons found in Egypt's Western Desert
Hydrocarbons found in Egypt's Western Desert

Hydrocarbon shows have been identified while drilling the El Salmiya-2 well in the Western Desert, Egypt. Beach Energy has announced that the operator of Abu Sennan concession in the Western Desert in Egypt, Kuwait Energy, is evaluating high resistivity anomalies and hydrocarbon shows observed in the El Salmiya-2 well. 

Four zones of hydrocarbon shows were identified in the well which included Abu Roash “C” Member (between 3,420and 3,432metres), Abu Roash “E” Member (between 3,583 and 3,609 meters), Bahariya Formation (between 4, 02 1 to 4,022 meters) and Kharita Formation (between 4,068 and 4,143 metres), of measured depth.

The operator is currently setting up to test the well over the coming week, with flow rates from this test anticipated soon thereafter.

The El Salmiya-2 well was drilled to appraise reservoirs in the Abu Roash “C” and “E” Members, which flowed at combined gross rates of 2,900 bopd and 16 MMscfd in the El Salmiya-1 discovery well (drilled in 2012).

The project is a Joint Venture with equity interests of Beach (via wholly owned subsidiary Beach Petroleum (Egypt), Kuwait Energy, Egypt and operator Dover Investments.

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