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Libya: Oil exports down to 800,000 barrels a day

Concerns that potential no-fly zone could lead to foreigner backlash

Libya: Oil exports down to 800,000 barrels a day
Libya: Oil exports down to 800,000 barrels a day

Libya’s oil infrastructure is still not being targeted in the country’s conflict zones, according to the latest news update from global logistics and shipping provider GAC.

Due to ongoing fighting, oil exports from the country are believed to have decreased by approximately half, from 1.6 million to 800,000 barrels per day over the past two weeks.

With the exception of conflict areas such as Ras Lanuf and Marsa el-Brega, Libyan harbour facilities are still largely open in many areas, with vessels still arriving at Tripoli.

There are still underlying tensions in many areas of the country, both government and opposition controlled. Things are often outwardly calm but in government-controlled areas opposition supporters are often keeping a low profile. In opposition-controlled areas, including towns such as Benghazi, there are still government supporters keeping a low profile.

Divisions over tribal loyalties and political ideologies may emerge over the coming weeks, which could lead to a breakdown in the current sense of unity in ‘liberated’ areas.

Conditions remain relatively normal in central Tripoli. Outwardly there is a semblance of ‘business-as-usual’ but this is largely because of the strong security force presence in the area.

There has been a rise in anti-UK sentiments in the capital following the incident involving UK Special Forces in the east of the country.

The international community has been discussing the possibility of establishing a no-fly zone over Libya for at least two weeks. A wide variety of nations have expressed support for this in the interest of protecting civilian lives but the plan requires a high level of planning and co-ordination.

Concerns have been raised that a no-fly zone could lead to a backlash against foreign nationals. At present no particular hostility has been expressed towards nationals allegedly involved in the planning, but may be directed towards US and UK interests in government-controlled areas in the event that a no-fly zone is imposed.

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