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GHG emissions will not stop Exxon’s sales

IOC to continue selling oil and gas against climate change concerns

GHG emissions will not stop Exxon's sales
GHG emissions will not stop Exxon's sales

ExxonMobil has stated that all energy sources, including carbon-based fuels, are necessary to meet future global energy demand growth as society manages the risks of climate change.

“Our analysis and those of independent agencies confirms our long-standing view that all viable energy sources will be essential to meet increasing demand growth that accompanies expanding economies and rising living standards,” said William Colton, ExxonMobil’s vice president of corporate strategic planning.

“It is equally essential that society manages the risk of climate change by increasing energy efficiency and by investing in research into technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”

Two reports published by ExxonMobil for shareholders have outlined the company’s business planning and risk assessment practices. The reports to shareholders outline how the company plans capital expenditures, assesses and plans for policies limiting greenhouse gas emissions and works to reduce emissions. They also include information such as distribution of reserves by asset location and type.

“The risk of climate change is clear and the risk warrants action,” said Colton. “ExxonMobil is taking action by reducing greenhouse gas emissions in its operations, helping consumers reduce their emissions, supporting research that leads to technology breakthroughs and participating in constructive dialogue on policy options.”

Release of the reports is part of an ongoing dialogue between ExxonMobil and shareholders about important matters such as the company’s long-term supply and demand forecasts, business plans and views on climate change. Information included in the reports is available in a variety of existing materials including ExxonMobil’s Outlook for Energy, its 2013 Financial and Operating Review, the company website and in its annual Form 10-K regulatory filing.

The reports point out that ExxonMobil’s Outlook for Energy and all credible forecasts, including that of the International Energy Agency, predict that carbon-based fuels will continue to meet about three-quarters of global energy needs through 2040.

“All of ExxonMobil’s current hydrocarbon reserves will be needed, along with substantial future industry investments, to address global energy needs,” said Colton.

The reports can be found at

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